2014 HDU International Students Chinese Speech Contest

      On September 24th afternoon, HDU held its first International Students Speech Contest on Chinese at 7 bu7ilding 218 room. The speech contest was closely focused on the theme of My Chinese story, My Impression on Hangzhou, Fresh Touch with HDU, I Love Chinese Language.
Following is the awards list:
First Prize: 哈里路(尼日利亚)、张灿如(泰国)
Second Prize: 艾米(刚果金)、罗予墨(尼日利亚)
Third Prize: 南迪(乌兹别克斯坦)、苏菲亚(刚果布)、安娜(俄罗斯)、白俊龙(哈萨克斯坦)
Encouragement Prize: 韩佳(索马里)、大帅(几内亚)、成龙(塔吉克斯坦)、卡迪尔(塔吉克斯坦)、何绍良(土库曼斯坦)

